Punchmark has a custom integration with Klaviyo that tracks user behavior throughout your website and captures new customers into Klaviyo who interact with website forms. The behavior tracking can be used to create targeted audiences for Klaviyo campaigns.
Some of the behaviors tracked are:
Custom Forms, Contact Form, Start a Project, Inquiry and Wishlist submissions
Completed Orders, Fulfilled Orders, Cancelled Orders, and Refunded Orders
Active on Site, View Item, Add to Cart, and Start Checkout
Our connections with Klaviyo consist of independent modules that are priced separately. As of the time of this writing, you can purchase all modules for $1,000.00 and receive the complete setup, which is recommended.
How to integrate Klaviyo with your Punchmark website.
There are two API Keys needed in order to get set up. You can find these in your Klaviyo account.
Private API Key:
Private keys can be created with the following steps.
Visit https://www.klaviyo.com/settings/account/api-keys and clicking Create Private API Key.
Select Full Access Key from the dropdown, then click Create. The new private key will have a format like
.Note that you will not be able to access the private key after creating it, so it’s important that you copy it as soon as it’s created and paste it somewhere safe.
Public API Key:
Your public API key can be found by going to https://www.klaviyo.com/settings/account/api-keys at the top of the page. It should be just 6 characters.
Paste these keys into an email, and send them to your account manager who will be able to complete the Klaviyo setup process.