Account Summary
The first page you will access after logging in is the Account Summary page, which will display all parts of your Service Plan and any Digital Marketing Terms you have agreed upon.
The displayed sections of your account are:
Website Terms
The amount of time your monthly service plan contract is in effect
Service Plan
Which SiteManager service plan you are on. View all plans here.
Premium Brand Subscriptions
The number of Premium Vendors you are subscribed to, billed in addition to your service plan. Some service plans include up to a certain amount of brands, and you will only be charged once you have exceeded that amount.
Diamond Vendor Subscriptions
The number of Diamond Vendors you are subscribed to, billed in addition to your service plan. Some service plans include up to a certain amount of diamond vendors, and you will only be charged once you have exceeded that amount.
SiteManager Concierge
Punchmark offers a hands-free concierge service that pushes tickets into a priority queue. Concierge members also receive an allotment of custom development hours for their website each month, among other benefits. Learn more here.
Digital Marketing Terms
Punchmark has an industry leading, in-house Digital Marketing team, that specializes in working inside of SiteManager. Pricing packages are tiered to accommodate your store’s size and competitive market. Learn more here.