Together Integration with TPC-365: (needs organization)
Zach is going to give us a slug for each vendor that the member or TPC can enter into each memberShowroom record. Each member is going to enter their full showroom URL into the Together platform configuration settings in their Together account.
When someone schedules a Together meeting, they will receive a link via email that points to the member’s showroom on tpc-365 with a query string value for token and for the start time in GMT. We will show the showroom page with a persistent popup on top (using browser local storage to keep the popup coming back) with a countdown timer inside. When the timer reaches 0, the popup will either show a “Start Meeting” link that triggers a real popup ( or a full screen overlay on the page with an iframe inside. The URL of either type of popup will be a format that zach provides, using the token he sends us in the showroom URL. If we use an overlay popup, we’ll need a “close” button inside above the iframe, allowing the user to close (after confirming).
Set the meeting time and token in browser local storage.
If the user arrives on the showroom link within 45 seconds of the meeting, perhaps just show the iframe (if using the iframe version), rather than the countdown timer.
Have the global JS look for local storage showing a start time in the near future, and popping the popup on every page.
?? Lawrence: don't allow this to slow down the TPC-365 build. It's ok if this comes a few weeks later.
?? Is the showroom pano using a lot of browser cpu? If so, that would slow the video down significantly, esp in mobile.
Prepare for a 75-character meeting token in URL (up to 125 in token just in case)
Meeting is fully responsive, so whatever popup aspect ratio, it will adhere to.
Meetings can run up to 3 hours.
Start time will be in GMT. Do all comparisons in GMT.
Vendor will update email link in together platform configuration settings
Will send us scheduling link now. Can put in iframe as well.
Get URL Pattern to zach.{membername}?token=11223344&startTime=2020-01-01T15:35:00GMT
Create a demo member for zach to set up an account for.
Make sure to confirm "close"
They can potentially put html5 messaging event to tell us when meeting ends. They would try to get it to us by their February release.