Manage your store services selection using the Store Services section of SiteManager. Your selected store services will auto-generate default pages that you can then customize to suit your store.
Selecting Your Store’s Services
SiteManager comes with a list of common services and default pages that you may choose to add to your site. Select the box next to each service you would like to display on your website. If unchecked, that service will not be listed on your website.
Each box selected will generate a child service page for that particular service. The chosen services will also appear on your default services page.
Adding Custom Services
If you do not see a service that you would like to list, the right side block allows you to create a custom service. Click “Browse” to choose an image from FileManager that best represents this service category, then enter in your title, page link (URL extension), and description, and click “Add Service.”
Note that you do not need to add a new service if you are able to modify one of the existing categories to fit your needs.
Editing Visible Services
Choosing the services from the upper section will populate or remove services from your Visible Services section. Use this menu to adjust the default images, titles, descriptions, and URLs for each Service category.
Click on the service category you’d like to edit. An editor will appear that allows you to change the title, page URL, image, and description.
The title of the page is what will appear as the header on the child services page as well as the category title on your main services page.
Your page URL will be the extension for the child page. For example, if your main services page is, the page URL you enter here will go after the main services page extension, preceded by a forward slash; in this case,
Select your image from FileManager, or upload a new file.
The auto-filled description is a generic paragraph discussing a variety of components that may or may not pertain to your store. We suggest going through each description to make sure it accurately reflects what your store offers.
Once you are satisfied with your changes, click the “Save” button. Alternatively, delete a service category using the “Delete” button. If you decide to add a service in at a later date after deleting a category, note that it will be filled with the default title, URL, image, and copy. If you make changes to any of these page components, make sure you have a document stored elsewhere on your computer with your updates in the event of accidental deletion.