How to Use Platform Analytics Events
In Google Analytics, you’ll find events that fire from the SiteManager platform when users complete certain actions. These events can be tied to goals for advertising and/or used for custom audiences for targeting.
Here is the list of events fired by the platform. This document will be updated as we add and change events on our platform.
Event | Description | Platforms | Data | Date Added | Updated |
Complete registration | Fired when a customer creates an account on the website | GA/FB | customerID |
Item Inquiry | Fired when a customer inquires about an item. | GA/FB | itemID | 4/18/2018 |
Wishlist Add | Fired when a customer adds an item to their wishlist. | GA/FB | styleNo |
Add To Cart | Fired when a customer adds an item to their shopping cart | GA/FB | styleNo |
| 4/2/20 to change itemIDs to styleNos |
Grid Quick View | Fired when a customer clicks the quick-view eye icon on an item tile on the grid. | GA/FB | styleNo if exists, otherwise itemID |
Grid Wishlist | Fired when a customer adds an item to their wishlist by clicking the heart icon (or similar) from an item tile on the grid. | GA/FB | styleNo if exists, otherwise itemID |
Contact Form | Fired when a customer submits the form on /contact-us or a location-specific /contact-us page. | GA/FB | none | 4/18/2018 |
Newsletter Subscribe | Fired when a customer submits their email to signup for a newsletter. Note: If the customers “subscribe” form is hosted by a 3rd party (Mail Chimp, etc), this form is under that 3rd party’s control, and is not fired by the Punchmark platform. | GA/FB | none | 4/18/2018 |
Initiate Checkout | This event is fired when a customer clicks “checkout” or any of the 3rd-party pay buttons (PayPal, etc) on the cart page. | FB | styleNos |
| 4/2/20 change itemIDs to styleNos |
Checkout Complete | Fired when a customer completes an ecommerce purchase. | GA/FB | grandTotal, Currency, itemIDs, ga ecomm params |
Click-to-call | Fired when a visitor clicks a phone number to call in mobile. | GA |
Make an appointment | Fired when a customer completes a make-an-appointment form. | GA/FB |
| 1/30/2019 (V6 only) |
Start A Project | Fired when a customer completes a start-a-project form. | GA/FB |
| 4/9/2019 (V6 only) |
Choose a setting | Fired when a customer chooses a setting in the Engagement Ring Designer | GA/FB | itemID | 9/30/2019 (v6 only) |
Ring Complete | Fired when a customer completes a ring (setting + diamond) in the Engagement Ring Designer | GA/FB | itemID | 9/30/2019 (V6 only) |
View Content | Fired any time a customer visits a product details page or ring setting details page. | GA/FB | styleNo All item details pages, including ring buider | 11/19/2019 (V6 Only) | 4/2/20 changed itemIDs to styleNos |
Page View | Fired on every page | GA/FB |