The most common issues that you might experience are:
You have not had a successful import run in over 72 hours
Products that should appear on your website and are not showing
Products that are sold that should not be and are still showing on your website
Products that are not displaying images or videos correctly
Customers who are not showing up as online accounts
Wish list products that are not syncing correctly to a particular customer
Your store computer is having trouble connecting to the website ( FTP issues)connection issues, possibly because:
There is a firewall set up that is disabling Windows Scheduled Tasks, or
Your Windows password has been changed, or
The computer running the Edge EDT gets turned off at night
You have EDT settings in place that prevent certain items from uploading (such as category exclusions, or inventory type exclusions)
You have settings in place on your POS Preferences page that are overriding the default system values
Your product data was not in the standardized format (e.g. 14K was arbitrarily entered as “14krt”, which is not an accepted value)
One of your Edge categories is not properly mapped to a website category
One of your Edge vendors is not properly mapped to a brand on your website
If you are experiencing issues, this guide should provide some insight and tools to help you get to the cause of the issue and make the necessary changes that will fix your issuesnotice there is a problem with the Task Scheduler, follow these instructions:
Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler. Click "Task Scheduler Library", highlight "EDT", scroll over to "Last Run Time", which will give you date and time and Last Run Result, and check for errors. Ensure that the task is setup as an administrator and that you have the correct password.
Product Troubleshooting
The very first step in troubleshooting product issues is to run a Product Diagnostic. Running this tool from SiteManager will give you many details as to why one of your products might not be displaying correctly.