Your Premium Vendor Status will display here. Your Premium Vendor Status is a reflection of how out of date your products are in our system. Punchmark requires product data to be updated AT LEAST every 90 dayswhether your vendor account is marked as “Premium“ or not.
Possible Statuses
Active - Your product data is less than 90 days old, and has been deemed quality by our Vendor Team.
Out of Date - Your product data is between 90 and 180 days old and needs to be updated or confirmed as valid as soon as possible to ensure subscribers are
Unsupported - Your product data is over 180 days old and must be updated or confirmed as valid before approving new subscribersaccount is a Premium Vendor account.
Inactive - Your account is not a Premium Vendor account.
Products Last Updated
The time and date of your most recent product update will display as processed by our system. Please note there may be a delay between when you send the your data and when it is processed.
30 Day Snapshot
These statistics represent how many Inquiries, Wishlist adds, and Orders have taken place with your products across all websites the last 30 days.
Inquiries: The number of instances a user inquired about one of your products on a subscriber’s website.
These statistics only take into account the products that were added to a website from your Premium Vendor catalogue and NOT any products that may have been added by a subscriber either manually or via the edge.
Portal Education
This will link to the Vendor Portal educational series. Punchmark plans to periodically add more videos to help Vendors learn how best to leverage the Vendor Portal. You can find the playlist here.
Read the Knowledge Base Manual
You are here. Select this at any time to return to the written knowledge base manual for the Vendor Portal.