Product Images
There are two ways that images can be uploaded with Premium Vendor products:
Provide URLs to the images in the image fields of your dataset
Include filenames in the spreadsheet and send a folder of images in addition to the spreadsheet. If there is an exact match, our platform will add this image to our CDN (content delivery network) and service the images to the product they are attached to in the dataset.
Requirements for Images
Each product image should have:
A minimum of 600px by 600px
JPG or PNG format
Square dimensions
Perfectly white background
Sufficient whitespace between item and edge of image (~10% of the item width per side)
Brand Images
Whenever you setup a brand in our Premium Vendor program, we build you a brand page for our clients to use. The brand page displays a sampling of your products and is intended to showcase your brand’s style, look, and feel. We recommend sending five images for display on your brand page.
Requirements for Brand Images
In either PNG or JPG format
Requirements for Brand Logos
In either PNG or JPG format
Must be 300 x 150